The last thing I want to is handover the web to the Google/Microsoft oligopoly but if Mozilla doesn’t pull their fingers out, stop spending so many recources on a 3rd world mobile OS, and do something about their DESKTOP browser performance, they’re going to lose the influence that makes them relevant. Mozilla make it so freaking hard to be one of their users! If Chrome wasn’t a piece of junk, I’d have to switch out of sheer desperation. No reference to how to abort it and get the full installer. I’m getting 13 K doing the manual download but as per f.king usual, the ***unnecessary*** changes Mozilla makes, whilst seemingly making VERY FEW innovative new changes, SCREW ME AROUND! The piece of crap stub installer has no reference to how fast/slow the download is running. I tried the stub and it just crawls and crawls. I’m sitting here stuck with IE8 and trying to like I’ve done dozens of times over the years. What I can’t stand is that I’m having trouble installing Windows 7 on a new PC.

I run Aurora at home despite it’s frequent bugs like blowing a time-crafted session away randomly every so often upon updating.